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How to invest?

In order to become an investor in the funds we managed, please read the Issue Prospectus of the fund you want to invest in and fill in the Subscription form. Visit our headquarters in Bucharest to submit the subscription application and to find out more about us and the funds we manage.

It is worth mentioning that you will become an investor when crediting the fund you have decided to invest in, and the subscribed unit buying price is calculated on the day following the account crediting date, based on the assets on the day when the account crediting was carried out. To find out more about the subscription and issue of the fund units, please read the “Fund unit issue” section of the Issue Prospectus.

If you have any questions, please call us at +40 213.617.821 or e-mail us at contact@atlas-am.ro

The fund units of open-end investment funds can be subscribed daily, on business days.

The fund units of closed –end funds can be subscribed on the 15th of each month as well as on the last day of each month. If the dates for the subscription are non-working days, the units will be offered for subscription in the next business day at the fund unit value of that business day.  

+4 0213 617 821
+4 0213 617 822